Customer Testimonials

Thousands of satisfied medical professionals have already certified with
Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS.

As the Credentialing Manager at Barton Associates, a national locum tenens company, I work with many physicians and nurse practitioners that need to obtain or renew certifications. NHCPS has proven to be a highly-effective and efficient option for doing so. I highly recommend NHCPS to our customers and to anyone exploring NHCPS as an option for obtaining or renewing a certification. It’s truly a great solution!

Whitney Jordan, Credentialing Manager, Barton Associates

We provide locum tenens coverage or opportunities ‘throughout the United States’ Locum Tenens is a very time sensitive business and NHCPS has helped save assignments that required current for ACLS, PALS, BLS online certification & recertification.

Locum Tenens USA

NHCPS provides an easy and comprehensive approach to certification and recertification. Definitely recommended.

Dr. David L., Montana

Very convenient! Material was to the point and was clear. I was able to complete the course in between my busy schedule.

Claudia P., RDH, California

This was fast and easy! Very affordable and convenient! Would do this again,and I will next time for ACLS too.

Cathie, RN, New York

Gone are the days of losing yet another precious weekend day. Now it can be done at home, in pajamas in a relaxing atmosphere. Yet another way the internet has improved productivity in the medical workplace.

Dr. Sean A, Massachusetts

They made it so easy to take at my own pace, I was able to break it up over a few days and take the exam when I had time!

Dr. Kelly R of Chicago, IL

I had a few questions and when I called, I actually spoke to a real person and she was very helpful!

Dr. Amit M of Dallas, TX

Like many other physicians, I don’t have time to sit in a class all day. This was such a convenient way for me to get certified.

Dr. Louie J of Chapel Hill, NC

NHCPS has been superb. Their customer service is great. The people there respond very quickly and go above and beyond to help

Dr. Todd H of Chicago, IL