Disque Foundation Save a Life Initiative Scholarship

At McGill University, the Transition to Clinical Practice (TCP) program is a pivotal moment for second-year medical students. It signifies the shift from traditional classroom learning to applying knowledge in the clinical environment. To celebrate this milestone and support your journey to becoming a physician,  in partnership with the Medical Studentsโ€™ Society of McGill University (MSS), we invite you to apply for the Disque Foundation Save a Life Initiative scholarship, which embodies our mission to empower individuals to save lives through medical education.

Scholarship Details

We’re offering a $1,500 scholarship to the author of the winning essay. Dive deep into the world of emergency medical care from the unique perspective of a medical student. Explore the profound significance of CPR as a life-saving skill for healthcare providers, emergency personnel, nurses, physicians, and lay individuals. Those unexpected moments where CPR can mean the difference between life and death should not be underestimated.

The second and third-place candidates will receive a unique opportunity – complimentary access to any three of our courses. These programs include Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). We believe that this training can be invaluable in shaping your medical journey and commitment to saving lives.

Essay Guidelines

In 750-1000 words, take us on a compelling journey into the life of a medical student and delve into potential scenarios where you might need to perform CPR as you enter the clinical world. Share your thoughts on navigating such a situation and the preparations you would make. If you have experienced or partaken in a life-saving situation, we would love to hear more in-depth about those experiences. Describe the lessons you have learned and how they might shape your responses to future emergencies. The more detailed and vivid you can describe your thoughts and experiences about these incidents, the better!

We encourage you to write an essay that is personal and heartfelt, allowing it to speak genuinely to your passions and insight as a future physician. The essays will be judged on their sincerity, clarity, and originality.

Eligibility Requirements

This scholarship opportunity is exclusively available to second-year medical students in the MDCM Program at McGill University.

Application Details

  • Only one complete application per student will be considered.
  • Essay should not exceed 1000 words.
  • Submissions should be made here by March 15, 2024. An automated confirmation email will be sent upon successful submission.


  • All entries submitted will become the sole property of the Disque Foundation Save a Life Initiative and may be posted on the website and social media accounts, with the aim of inspiring and educating others.
  • Proof of enrollment may be requested prior to the distribution of funds or awards.
  • Payment will be made as a stipend to the winner; funds are unrestricted.

Award Announcement

The scholarship winner, along with the second and third place recipients, will receive notification via email. Winners will be notified no later than April 15, 2024. The distribution of prizes will take place shortly after.

save a life

The idea behind the Save a Life Initiative is simple. Take the same advanced life-saving training we developed for physicians, and give it to the underserved, at home and abroad at no cost. We work in conjunction with the Disque Foundation to fulfill its mission of advancing health care education to the underserved through advanced technology. When we put the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform CPR and other proven techniques in the hands of people around the world, the potential number of lives saved is almost overwhelming.

Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS, the Disque Foundation and you.
Together, letโ€™s save lives.