How BLS Training Impacts Your Career

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Basic life support training, or BLS training, is an asset that can enhance and improve your personal and professional life considerably, especially if you work in the healthcare field. With this training, you will not only be able to perform CPR in a way that could save someone’s life, but you can also advance your career.

Below is some information about BLS training and the benefits it offers.

What Is BLS Training?

basic-life-support-trainingCardiac arrest is a common but serious condition that occurs when the heart stops functioning. This deprives the patient’s brain of oxygen, which will lead to permanent brain damage or death after just a few minutes. In cases where this condition develops in a hospital setting, advanced technologies can be used to return heart function quickly, maximizing the chances of a positive outcome. However, when cardiac arrest develops outside of a hospital setting, the patient has the best chance of recovery with immediate CPR.

Basic life support training is designed primarily for people working in the healthcare field, as well as for anyone who simply wants or needs to learn basic cardiovascular life support skills, including CPR. While this type of training may be aimed at people working in medical facilities and other such settings, anyone can benefit from BLS training.

Some of the skills taught in BLS training courses include:

  • CPR algorithms for adults, children and babies.
  • The importance of using automated external defibrillators (AED).
  • Treatment for adults, children and infants who are choking.
  • Importance and use of teams during multi rescuer resuscitation.

Following the completion of an effective BLS training course, students will be able to administer basic life-saving measures to people who are in cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, as well as those with airway obstructions. Most of these courses also provide a certification, which is a document showing that students have mastered the course material. This certification can be used to satisfy the requirements of employers who mandate BLS training.

It is important to note that BLS training is not the same as basic CPR training. BLS training is more in-depth and provides a higher level of detail than a CPR course.

How BLS Training Impacts Your Career

BLS training is beneficial for anyone, providing the skills necessary to help someone in cardiac arrest. However, this type of training can have an incredible impact on your career as well. The specific impact BLS training has on your career will depend on your field, your position and your employer’s requirements. Some of the professional benefits of BLS training include:

1. Knowledge of the latest life-saving protocols.

When someone goes into cardiac arrest, prompt treatment is essential to give the patient any chance of survival. Even with treatment, survival rates remain low. In the hospital, many more options are available to help patients in cardiac arrest. However, outside of the hospital, CPR and possibly AED are the only treatments available until emergency medical personnel arrive.

CPR improves patient outcomes considerably when it is performed according to recommendations. BLS training programs teach you the most advanced life-saving algorithms so you can maximize the effectiveness of any life support services you provide. Because these algorithms may change from time to time as new evidence becomes available from ongoing research, updating your BLS training on a regular basis is highly recommended. Each time you update your BLS training with a trustworthy provider, you will be able to learn about any changes to the algorithms or new developments in the field.

2. A chance to practice important skills.

BLS training teaches important skills that can save lives when implemented properly. These skills will be most effective when they have been taught by skilled professionals in a supportive educational environment. They will also be more effective when they are fresh in your mind and have been practiced repeatedly. Even if you have already taken BLS training and obtained a certification, you can still hone and improve these skills by taking another BLS training course and renewing your certification. In fact, with every new completion of the BLS training course, you will have a better understanding of CPR and a better handle on the steps you must complete when confronted with a patient in cardiac arrest.

3. Satisfaction of employment requirements.

Within the medical field and related industries, BLS certification is often a requirement of employment, depending on the specifics of your position. This type of training is always required for professionals who are involved in direct patient care. In order to obtain jobs within these fields and/or maintain good status in your position, you must obtain an initial BLS certification and update it at regular intervals. BLS training courses are designed to help you meet these requirements.

4. A certification that sets you apart.

In some fields, BLS training may not be required for employment, but it may still be beneficial. The skills you learn in a BLS training course can be useful in virtually any environment, even if you don’t work in the medical field. When you have this certification, you can add it to job applications in order to set yourself apart from other applicants that don’t possess this training. In addition, even after you have a job, you can inform your employer of your BLS certification, which may enhance your value as an employee.

5. More confidence.

Having BLS training and certification gives you the knowledge and skills you need to help people in dangerous situations, such as cardiac arrest. Knowing that you possess these skills can increase your confidence level, especially if you work in a field that requires you to interact with vulnerable people. As you complete BLS training repeatedly to renew your certification, your confidence level will only continue to grow.

6. Improved attitudes toward CPR performance.

Studies have shown that performing CPR improves outcomes among patients who are in cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, even people working in the healthcare field can be hesitant to perform CPR because they are unsure of their ability to follow the algorithm accurately, or because they simply don’t have enough experience with CPR. According to research, recent completion of BLS training courses can improve attitudes toward CPR among healthcare providers. The same study showed that repeated training is beneficial as well, increasing confidence levels and knowledge retention.

7. Better job performance for workers in the healthcare field.

As an employee in the healthcare field, you may come into contact with people in need of CPR or other basic life-saving measures. If you have completed BLS training recently, you will be more likely to fulfill your responsibilities well, improving outcomes for patients and enhancing your own job performance.

8. Better chances of being promoted.

In some cases, healthcare workers in positions that do not require BLS training may be considering a move into a position that does require this type of training. If an opportunity for a promotion arises, having this training completed in advance may make it easier for you to move into the position, especially if other contenders have not yet completed BLS training.

9. Lower chances of burnout.

Burnout is far too common in the healthcare field, affecting professionals across the board. Participating in a BLS training course gives you a chance to build your skills, socialize with other professionals and ensure that you have the resources to do your job as effectively as possible. All of these benefits will reduce the chances of developing burnout.

How to Get the Most out of BLS Training

healthcare-professionals-holding-tabletIt is clear that BLS training can have a significant positive impact on your career, regardless of your industry or position. If you are a worker in the healthcare field, the positive impact of BLS training on your career will be even more pronounced. To get the most benefit from BLS training, follow these tips:

1. Complete BLS training on a regular basis.

Healthcare workers involved in direct patient care will be required to renew their BLS training on a regular basis. However, even if this is not a requirement of your employment, renewing your BLS training certification is still a good idea. Completing BLS training on a regular basis ensures that the information remains fresh in your mind and that you retain as much of this information as possible. Renewing your BLS certification regularly will also help you to feel more confident in your abilities so you can perform CPR effectively if the need arises.

2. Choose an appropriate BLS training provider.

Not all BLS training providers offer the same quality of education. For this reason, it is important to investigate your provider before enrolling in the course. As you research different providers, be sure to verify that a valid certification will be available to you after you have completed the course. It is also a good idea to investigate the BLS training provider’s reputation by reading reviews from past students, as well as any other information available about the provider and the course.

3. Choose a course that works with your schedule.

Different BLS training providers offer different BLS training course structures. For example, while some BLS training courses are conducted entirely in person, others are conducted entirely online. Yet another category of BLS training courses use a hybrid approach, offering some course materials online in combination with in-person experiences. Each of these course structures comes with different advantages and disadvantages. However, many students choose an online course because of the convenience it offers. When you are working in the healthcare field, the flexibility of online courses can be invaluable, as they allow you to complete your coursework on your own time without interfering with other responsibilities.

4. Be present during your course.

When taking a BLS training course, it can be tempting to “go through the motions,” especially if you are taking the course as a requirement of your employment. However, being fully present while moving through course material is the best way to get the most out of the BLS training course. If you are taking the course in person, be sure that you are well rested and ready to pay attention throughout its duration. If you are taking the course online, find an area free from distractions and be sure to choose a time of day that allows you to focus your full attention on the course material without any interruptions.

5. Submit the certification to your employer as soon as possible.

As soon as you have completed your BLS training course and obtained your certification, submit the certification to your employer. This will ensure that your records are up-to-date and that any training requirements are satisfied. It is a good idea to give a copy of your certification to your employer even if BLS training is not a requirement of your employment, as the certification may set you apart from other people on staff. This is especially important if you are hoping to eventually move into a position that requires BLS certification.

Contact Advanced Medical Certification

Advanced Medical Certification offers BLS training courses for healthcare professionals, as well as students from other industries that want to master these skills. All of our courses are conducted entirely online, allowing you to complete the coursework and take the exam on your own time. This structure also allows you to move at a pace that works for you, whether you want to move through the course quickly or more leisurely. Once you have completed all of the course material, you will be able to take the exam as many times as needed at no additional cost until you have passed.
After you have finished the course and passed the exam, you will receive a digital copy of your certification immediately. This will allow you to satisfy the requirements of your employment and/or improve your career prospects right away. If you want to learn more about our BLS training course, or if you are ready to enroll, please contact us today.

How BLS training impacts your career? Share your story with us.

About Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS

Mackenzie is a seasoned life saver and a multifaceted professional in the medical field. With an impressive 8-year track record in medical education, Mackenzie boasts a comprehensive set of certifications, including ACLS, PALS, BLS, and CPR, which reflect her unwavering commitment and expertise. Her significant contributions to teaching and the development of medical content underscore her profound knowledge and dedication to advancing healthcare.

Beyond her medical prowess, Mackenzie seamlessly integrates her passion for education with her proficiency in media and marketing. Her academic journey at Indiana University culminated in a degree in Media and Marketing, further solidifying her expertise in these domains.

In addition to her impressive professional achievements, Mackenzie possesses a refined taste for global exploration, photography, design aesthetics, sartorial elegance, and the culinary arts, with a particular affinity for Chinese cuisine. Currently based in the vibrant city of Manhattan, she continues to be a driving force in the medical community. She is an invaluable asset to, where she champions excellence and innovation with unwavering dedication.

Contact Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS at.

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