20 Careers That Require CPR Certification You Never Would Have Thought Of

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Not only is CPR certification the responsible choice, but it’s also often the required choice. Employers, even in the non-medical fields are cracking down on employee safety and are beginning to see the crucial importance of this life-saving knowledge

It’s hard to imagine having to use CPR on a victim of cardiac arrest, but the reality of the prevalence of sudden cardiac arrest in America is shocking; more than 350,000 people in the United States experience cardiac arrest every year.

While CPR is typically associated with health care and medical careers, laypersons can too benefit from CPR certification, leverage their careers and even save a life. You’ll be surprised to find that many of these employers often call for their employees to be certified:

20 Non-Medical Careers where CPR Certification is Helpful

CPR Certification for Firefighters

1. Fireman

The main focus of a Firemen is to save humanity from disastrous situations and promote public health and safety. Firefighters typically need to use CPR several times a week or month within their demanding practice. If you are considering a career as a firefighter, consider tackling CPR certification beforehand to demonstrate preparedness and caution to your potential employers.

2. Coaches and Athletic Trainers

Cardiac arrest doesn’t age discriminate. Anyone, even children and young adults can experience it and require CPR. Coaches and athletic trainers often push their student’s cardiac abilities, endurance, and stamina.

3. Volunteers

From volunteering abroad to simply volunteering at a local food bank, volunteering often involves physical activities that can be strenuous on the human body such as heavy lifting, poor weather conditions, or long hours without sitting. Volunteers are often asked to complete up-to-date CPR certification by coordinators because of the higher-risk environment.

CPR Certification for Construction Workers

4. Construction Worker

Construction workers do it all. They pour cement, haul heavy materials, and operate complex machinery. These physically demanding conditions create a high-risk workplace, where accidents can happen. CPR certification should be a necessity to combat on the job accidents.

5. Child Care Provider

Infants and children can also require CPR, especially with the increased risk of choking. Childcare providers are essentially responsible for a childโ€™s life during the time they are working with them. Adult CPR differs from infant and child CPR, so having the proper certification is critical and can make all the difference when it comes to saving a child’s life.

6. Electrician

A career as an electrician is considered high-risk for safety, due to their exposure to potential electric shock, high temperatures, toxic chemicals, fires, explosions, and much more. With these hazardous conditions, the ability to act in an emergency situation is a must, and knowing how to use CPR could make a huge impact.

7. Flight Attendant

Flight attendants are the only readily available staff on a flight and are often responsible for taking the proper action in the case of an emergency. We’ve all seen the horror scenes in the movies when an emergency occurs on a flight, and no passengers have medical knowledge. Flight attendants have to be equipped to use CPR and an AED during flight and while in the airport.

Did you know: The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation has begun installing CPR kiosks in airports where the public can interactively touch up or learn CPR skills while traveling!

8. Jail and Prison Personnel

Correctional officers and other jail and prison personnel are responsible for supervising the activities of inmates, enforcing rules, aiding in rehabilitation, etc. They often experience unsanitary conditions, contraband, weapons, violence, and are constantly around people of all ages and demographics. Understanding what to do in the case of a cardiac emergency is crucial in this line of work.

CPR Certification for Lifeguards

9. Lifeguard

Lifeguards are responsible for the lives of pool and beach-goers and should be equipped to know how to perform CPR, understand first aid basics and be able to use an AED as emergencies can occur both in and out of the water. There are specific rules for infant and child CPR, which should be differentiated from the more commonly learned adult CPR. From the possibility of drowning to falling, all lifeguards must be certified.

10. Nanny and Babysitter

Dedicated nannies and babysitters understand the responsibility to always put the safety of the child or children being watched first. Children are especially susceptible to CPR and first aid intervention as they are more exploratory and unaware of what is safe and unsafe. Most parents and employers looking to hire a babysitter or nanny wouldnโ€™t consider an applicant that hasnโ€™t been certified in first aid and CPR.

11. Server

Most servers are not required to be CPR certified. But restaurants are required to have first aid and CPR posters visibly displayed in the employee common areas. Since servers are constantly around people and in a busy environment where choking, falling, and cardiac emergencies can happen, CPR training would be a valuable skill to know. CPR and first aid knowledge should be a required skill while working in the food and beverage industry.

12. Manager

Managers, whether retail, restaurant, or small business, are responsible for employee actions, but are also typically liable for the health and wellness of the staff. Individuals are disposed to a variety of conditions that may be unsafe at work. Therefore, managers should know the proper action to save a life.

empty classroom13. Teacher and School Staff

As mentioned above, children are prone to injury, illness, and choking so CPR and first aid knowledge is often a requirement among employers looking to hire staff at schools. Since teachers and staff are responsible for other people’s children they should know the inโ€™s and outโ€™s of child and infant CPR and first aid.

14. Secretary

Secretaries typically oversee the lobby or common areas of the building they work in and where there may not be many people nearby. They are the first to greet customers and may be the only person they ever speak. So, knowing first aid and CPR safety could come in handy if an accident should arise.

15. Counselor

Counselors see individuals who may be experiencing difficult times when mental and physical health is diminished. Counselors typically work with one individual, couple or family during long hours. Because of these conditions, knowing how to act in an emergency is crucial.

16. Security Guard

Security guards have a wide variety of duties, which include patrolling property, monitoring surveillance, controlling traffic, etc. Essentially, security guards are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for all individuals and employees in the surrounding areas.

17. Parent

While parenting isn’t necessarily a career, the workload and responsibilities of parenting are some of the greatest out there. Like nannies and babysitters, parents should prioritize their children’s safety first and foremost and should consider becoming CPR, AED and first aid certified as emergencies, injury and illness are inevitable.

18. Yoga Teacher

The efforts exuded during yoga may test a personโ€™s physical and mental limitations. The high-intensity stretches and high temperatures put yogis at high risk for an emergency. Knowing how to react in an emergency situation could be what saves a personโ€™s life. Knowing how to perform CPR and first aid could be beneficial in this career field.

19. Social Worker

Like counselors, social workers work with individuals and families intimately and should always be prepared for both minor and major emergencies. At anytime something could happen where CPR or first aid is needed. Knowing the basics could save a personโ€™s life.

CPR Certification for Students

20. Student

Being CPR certified as a student will not only boost your resume but will also prepare you to act in an emergency during classes, seminars and within close living quarters, like dorm rooms. Knowing how to help your fellow classmates is a vital skill that will be valuable throughout their lives. You never know what kind of emergency can pop up during a party, a sporting event or just during class. Having the skills to save a person’s life should be a required class.

According to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), 70 percent of American bystanders feel helpless during an experience of sudden cardiac arrest, so they neglect to do anything. Without CPR, a victim can experience brain damage or death within minutes, and usually, medical help arrives too late. In a perfect world, everyone would choose to be CPR certified. First aid and cardiac emergencies don’t favor anyone, anywhere. Choosing to be certified can be the difference between getting the job, but can also be the difference between life and death.

Did you know the ILCOR updates their CPR guidelines every 5 years? Check out our blog post: Historical ILCOR Guidelines Changes to see the latest updates!

About Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS

Mackenzie is a seasoned life saver and a multifaceted professional in the medical field. With an impressive 8-year track record in medical education, Mackenzie boasts a comprehensive set of certifications, including ACLS, PALS, BLS, and CPR, which reflect her unwavering commitment and expertise. Her significant contributions to teaching and the development of medical content underscore her profound knowledge and dedication to advancing healthcare.

Beyond her medical prowess, Mackenzie seamlessly integrates her passion for education with her proficiency in media and marketing. Her academic journey at Indiana University culminated in a degree in Media and Marketing, further solidifying her expertise in these domains.

In addition to her impressive professional achievements, Mackenzie possesses a refined taste for global exploration, photography, design aesthetics, sartorial elegance, and the culinary arts, with a particular affinity for Chinese cuisine. Currently based in the vibrant city of Manhattan, she continues to be a driving force in the medical community. She is an invaluable asset to SaveaLife.com, where she champions excellence and innovation with unwavering dedication.

Contact Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS at.

15 responses

  1. Ridley Fitzgerald Avatar
    Ridley Fitzgerald

    I had no idea that these careers required CPR training. The one that surprised me was the electrician, but I guess that makes sense. I’ll make sure to ask the next electrician I hire if they are CPR certified!

    1. Mary Avatar

      This is no longer a requirement per the NFPA70E guidelines as of 2021. It is only recommended they have CPR.

      1. Paula Avatar

        Thank you so much for sharing, Mary!

  2. Amy Winters Avatar
    Amy Winters

    It’s interesting that restaurant servers are required to have CPR training, but it makes sense since they’re working in a location constantly serving choking hazards. I didn’t realize that so many jobs in our world required CPR training, but I’m glad to hear it! I should probably seek out CPR training as well; I know I won’t regret it, and if I ever do need it I’d really regret not knowing!

    1. Bryan Park Avatar
      Bryan Park

      Yes, it really is interesting. It is also really awesome that CPR training is really very easy to take. Anyone can be a life-saver. Feel free to reach out to me directly for big discounts. Send me an email at bryan.park@nhcps.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  3. Eli Richardson Avatar
    Eli Richardson

    I never took into account the fact that restaurants required CPR training. This is something my unclew must know so his team can be trained. I’ll recommend him to reach out to a BLS program to train his staff.

    1. Mackenzie Thompson Avatar
      Mackenzie Thompson

      Thank you for recommending us!

  4. Derek McDoogle Avatar
    Derek McDoogle

    I totally agree with you when you said that construction workers do it all and due to that physically demanding conditions CPR certification is a necessity. my uncle works in construction and he told me that recently one of his coworkers was injured and had to go to the hospital because he fell from a second floor. It would be a great idea for the owner to send a few members of his crew to get first aid certifications.

    1. Mackenzie Thompson Avatar
      Mackenzie Thompson

      Thank you for sharing your story Derek!

  5. Rebecca Gardner Avatar
    Rebecca Gardner

    It was interesting when you talked about how yoga instructors should know CPR due to the high intensity and temperature that some workouts can reach. During a family dinner yesterday night, I learned that my younger sister wants to start looking for a teaching job at a yoga studio in her spare time. I’m glad I read your article so I can encourage her to stand out as an applicant by getting CPR and first aid training beforehand!

    1. Mackenzie Thompson Avatar
      Mackenzie Thompson

      Thank you for your kind comment!

  6. Chris Pederson Avatar
    Chris Pederson

    Wow, I had no idea that construction workers are required to know CPR and other First Aid techniques. I imagine that it can be extremely useful in the end. Just not something I would’ve imagined being a requirement.

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      Thank you for the feedback, Chris! Glad you learned something new.

  7. Kimberly Rochelle Brabson Avatar
    Kimberly Rochelle Brabson

    Since I’m working in the hospitality industry. I’m so glad that I’ll be recertified to make a difference.

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      We are glad too! Thank you for saving lives, Kimberly!

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