Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS Rebrands to Save Lives

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We’re excited to share that from now on, everyone will know our life-saving courses as Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS. Empowering people to save lives is what we do and we’re updating our name to better telegraph that. We wanted to give our look and name a bit of a refresh so that it better reflects our mission: Saving lives around the globe through better health care education. The refresh of the courses includes a refurbished website, print materials and a new logo.

We’re excited to introduce our customers and the public to the new look and name of Save a Life Certifications because it talks about not just what we do but how we do it. National Health Care Provider Solutions (NHCPS) has been empowering people to save lives for nearly a decade by giving not a hand out, but a hand up. Thanks to our partnership with the Disque Foundation, and the success of our Save a Life Certification courses, we are making a real dent in the need for more health care education around the world (a bit more on that later).

save-a-life-by-nhcps2What Sets NHCPS Apart

NHCPS is already a leader in online health care provider certification courses. To date, through its Save a Life Certifications, NHCPS has trained and certified nearly 185,000 professional health care providers in an array of courses, including Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED), First Aid, and Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP).

NHCPS’s success is thanks first and foremost to the quality of its Save a Life Certifications classes. Each individual training course has a reputation as a best-in-class learning experience. Beyond the superior Save a Life Certifications courses themselves, there are myriad added benefits that come with getting professional training and certification via NHCPS. Our clients are fully supported in their certification trainings through an array of free benefits including study guides, algorithms, practice tests, megacodes, mobile apps and much more.

Another reason clients trust Save a Life Certifications is because NHCPS’s website is endorsed by HONCode. HON (Health on the Net) is a United Nations recognized Non-Governmental Organization with a mission to “guide citizens or medical professionals to reliable, relevant and up-to-date online health and medical information.” HON was founded to encourage the dissemination of quality health information for patients, professionals and the general public, and to facilitate access to the latest and most relevant medical data through the use of the internet. The HONCode endorsement is earned by fewer than 1 percent of internet sites. We’re honored that Save a Life Certifications is among that 1 percent.

And, of course, all of these benefits are on top of the convenience that comes with online instruction. Health care providers are some of the busiest professionals working today so online convenience isn’t just a ‘want’ it’s a basic need in order to further their training. Save a Life Certifications works because of its superior instruction and ease of use. Classes are always available online and can be taken whenever it’s convenient.

Our trainees can rely on NHCPS because all Save a Life Certification courses were created by board-certified medical professionals and adhere to the 2015-2020 ILCOR standards and guidelines. All courses always include multiple study materials such as video demonstrations, audiobooks, and PDF study handbooks. Furthermore, ACLS, BLS, and PALS courses are eligible for AMA Category 1 Credits™ and our CPR course is eligible for AMA category 2 CME. The Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PIM), an accredited, online medical certification regulatory organization, has completed a full evaluation of Save a Life Certification courses in ACLS, PALS and BLS Certification and Recertification training courses and all have been fully approved and are accredited by PIM for AMA Category 1 Credits™.

NHCPS Working Towards a Greater Good

save-a-life-by-nhcpsWhat sets NHCPS even further apart is its status as a non-profit 501(c) organization. Through its partnership with the Disque Foundation all proceeds from Save a Life Certifications fund CPR and other advanced life-saving education, completely free of charge, for underserved communities in the US and around the world. Thanks to this partnership, the Disque Foundation has sent training teams across North America as well as Africa, Malaysia, Dominican Republic, and the Philippines.

A perfect example of our mission of empowering people to save lives is the trip a Disque Foundation team made to Kenya, Africa this past January. The team set out to empower and train at least 140 health care workers across Nairobi in a variety of life-saving skills. The team accomplished this in 10 days thanks to a busy travel schedule and a dedicated team of trainers and trainees.

A big part of these trips, and the foundation’s work, is training what it calls “super users.” Disque Foundation teams spend more time training these individuals and then, thanks to an advanced skill set, these super-users are equipped to train others in their home communities after the Disque Foundations team has left. The super-user model expands the training team’s work exponentially and benefits communities long after they’ve left.

Alphipany Roque, a Disque Foundation super-user from Navotas City, Philippines, has used his super-user status to train more than 800 people in his community. He told us that, “the CPR training that I got from the Disque team is a whole new avenue for helping people here; my new skills have multiplied many times over.”

Another Disque Foundation super-user, Shelia Muchiri, a medical officer at the Thika Level Five Hospital in Thika, Kenya told us, “Thanks to the Disque team’s training, we are now better able to recognize specific emergencies and can administer more effective treatments; lives have been saved.”

This January’s trip to Kenya was the second time a Disque Foundation team traveled to Africa, and a big part of the excitement this time around was the chance to meet up with some of the people they had trained last time. The group of super-users the Disque team trained on their first trip we’re all now actively working in the community empowering even more people to save a life.

A key component of the Disque Foundation training approach is providing necessary study materials before any of the hands-on training begins. For example, this trip’s group of Kenyan trainees were given free access to NHCPS’ online ACLS courses and had a chance to explore a wealth of resources including handbooks, training videos, skills videos, practice, and final exams. By completing some or all of these online courses before the Disque Foundation team even arrived meant days of study time was saved and the practical simulations were able to start on the second day, much earlier than is typical. The result is the trainees had more time to finely hone their ACLS and CPR skills through the more nuanced in-class simulations with mannequins and one-on-one time with the training team.

NHCPS takes the same kind of care and responsibility with its Save a Life Certifications trainings as it does with the resources behind its outreach work with the Disque Foundation. On-the-ground Disque Foundation training teams make sure they are always making the most of both time and money.

Trips like the one to Africa are why the Disque Foundation exists, and it’s a perfect example of the kind of positive impact that Save a Life Certifications is having. Investing in a Save a Life Certifications course means investing in the health of the wider community.

NHCPS and the Disque Foundation Mark a Major Milestone

Thanks to our Save a Life Certifications clients, and training trips like the one to Nairobi, the Disque Foundation recently hit a major milestone – one million people empowered to save a life! It’s a goal we’ve been working towards for nearly a decade. We were determined to reach it by the end of 2019 but hit the one million mark by the end of January. The fact that we achieved it almost a year ahead of schedule is a testament to how many people not only need but want CPR training. The Disque Foundation intends to reach every person who wants to get trained and certified!

In addition to its international health care education trips providing CPR instruction, the Disque Foundation also partners with groups across the US to train health care professionals in underserved communities in this country. It’s all provided free of charge for participants.

The Disque Foundation is also the only entity that offers training to the public for free via webinars on the foundation’s website. NHCPS and the Disque Foundation are dedicated to providing CPR training, for free, to anyone who wants to learn it!

We want our clients to know they are supporting this work and our larger mission at the Disque Foundation. We would never have hit that one-million-mark goal if it weren’t for our Save A Life Certifications clients. When they choose NHCPS to meet certification requirements, health care providers are making a significant contribution towards saving lives in underserved communities around the globe.

Inspired by a Tragic Situation

It was a difficult but rewarding trip that inspired the creation of both NHCPS and the Disque Foundation. In 2010 Dr. Karl “Fritz” Disque, went to Haiti as part of a team of physicians after the devastating earthquake. He and other anesthesiologists worked closely with orthopedic surgeons and other medical staff from institutions around the world. The working conditions weren’t favorable. The team struggled with exhaustion and were dirty, and struggling to communicate. Adding to the challenges they were also painfully ill-equipped for the task because the equipment they did have was unreliable, often running out of wall oxygen and working through total power outages that hit during procedures.

One life that team was able to save was Maxwell’s. He was delivered by an emergency C-section one week after the earthquake. Moments after the delivery he stopped breathing, a nurse who was untrained in basic life support didn’t recognize Maxwell’s dire condition. Thankfully, the team was able to save him. The experience left Fritz with a deep desire to provide life support training to people right where they are and where they work.

A Great Need for This Work

The statistics illuminating the need for CPR and BLS training in the United States and around the world show us the amount of work we have yet to do: 70% of Americans feel helpless during a cardiac emergency while close to 90% of cardiac arrests happen at home. If a cardiac event happens outside of a hospital, the survival rate is below 9%, but, if a bystander knows CPR the victim’s chance of survival nearly triples. Outside of the US, cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death in ALL World Bank developing regions with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa. The need isn’t just for better-trained health care professionals, the general population, if properly trained, would be empowered to save countless lives.

These statistics are why NHCPS developed its Save a Life Certification courses. The need is great and that’s why we’re just getting started. The Disque Foundation has set a new goal: 10 million people empowered to save a life by the year 2015. Stay tuned.

About Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS

Mackenzie is a seasoned life saver and a multifaceted professional in the medical field. With an impressive 8-year track record in medical education, Mackenzie boasts a comprehensive set of certifications, including ACLS, PALS, BLS, and CPR, which reflect her unwavering commitment and expertise. Her significant contributions to teaching and the development of medical content underscore her profound knowledge and dedication to advancing healthcare.

Beyond her medical prowess, Mackenzie seamlessly integrates her passion for education with her proficiency in media and marketing. Her academic journey at Indiana University culminated in a degree in Media and Marketing, further solidifying her expertise in these domains.

In addition to her impressive professional achievements, Mackenzie possesses a refined taste for global exploration, photography, design aesthetics, sartorial elegance, and the culinary arts, with a particular affinity for Chinese cuisine. Currently based in the vibrant city of Manhattan, she continues to be a driving force in the medical community. She is an invaluable asset to, where she champions excellence and innovation with unwavering dedication.

Contact Mackenzie Thompson, Life Saver, NHCPS at.

16 responses

  1. Alison P Avatar
    Alison P

    Needed recertification for CPR/AED/BLS for work. This is convenient and complete. I’m uncertain if my employer (hospital) will require AHA certification as well. At least I’m current. Thank you! I enjoyed the coupon as well! Bravo!

    1. Mackenzie Thompson Avatar
      Mackenzie Thompson

      We are happy you found the CPR and BLS recertification courses so useful, please let us know if we can be of any further assistance!

  2. Michael ambrosi Avatar
    Michael ambrosi

    Hello there? I am Michael ambrosi. From Kenya.
    How can I join you to do your trainings?
    I would love to join you.
    Warm Regards.

    1. Manuel Avatar

      Hello Michael. thank you for your feedback. We would love to give you the details on how to become a Save a Life Initiative Partner. Please go to this link first and submit a request:
      Upon receiving your request, our empowerment team will then send you the next steps. You may also send us an email at Have a great day and keep saving lives!

  3. Melanie Wong Avatar
    Melanie Wong


    Is this formerly save a life university? I signed up for a BLS class through them back in July 2020. i did the online portion, but wasn’t told that the in person portion would be a zoom session. Is there a make up of the in person portion that I could attend to complete my certification? Thank you. -Melanie

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      Hi Melanie,

      No. Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS is the premier 100% online certification and recertification provider for health care professionals. We provide a Live Group Zoom video conference with our Medical Educator where you can ask questions and watch a live Demo of any ACLS, BLS, PALS, CPR or BBP skills.

      If you have any other questions, you may send us an email to

  4. Ahmed Avatar

    I want to know if your certificates are accredited by American heart association or not?

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      Hello Ahmed,

      Thank you for your inquiry. We are not accredited by the AHA.

      We are accredited by the Postgraduate Medical Institute for AMA Category 1 Credits™ and HONcode, the same organization that accredits the American Heart Association. We ensure our courses adhere to the highest standards of fair business practices and customer service.

      All of our courses are designed by Board Certified Physicians and adhere to the latest ILCOR Standards and Guidelines and are Joint Commission (JCAHO) compliant.

      Hope this information helped. If you have any other questions, you may send us an email to

  5. Dr Ashish kumar Avatar
    Dr Ashish kumar

    I want to know if your acls and bls certificate applicable in India or not

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      Hello Dr Ashish,

      Our certifications are accepted internationally, depending on your organization’s individual requirements. However, 98% of health care organizations accept our certification, including major organizations and hospitals. To reduce confusion, please verify your organization’s current policy for certification acceptance with human resources or your nurse educator.

      If you have any other questions, you may send us an email to

  6. Angelie Follero Avatar
    Angelie Follero

    Hi good day, may I ask if your provided certificate can be use for HAAD examination in Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates.

    1. Greta Kviklyte Avatar
      Greta Kviklyte

      Hello Angelie,

      Our certifications are accepted internationally, depending on your organization’s individual requirements. However, 98% of health care organizations accept our certification, including major organizations and hospitals. To reduce confusion, please verify your organization’s current policy for certification acceptance with human resources or your nurse educator.

      If you have any other questions, you may send us an email to

  7. Dr.Sanjib Karmakar Avatar
    Dr.Sanjib Karmakar

    Thanks for save alife

    1. Ali Drian Avatar
      Ali Drian

      Thank you Dr. Sanjib, we could not do it without the support and contribution of doctors like you!

  8. Chaudhary romeshkumar Avatar
    Chaudhary romeshkumar

    I have completed courses of basic life support and bloodborne pathogens. So m i eligible to get any sort of jobs in countries like Australia, us, canada, newzealand or in Europe.. even as a helathcare support worker or auxiliary staff? I will eagerly wait for the response..

    1.  Avatar

      Thank you for completing our Basic Life Support and Bloodborne Pathogens courses. We’re thrilled about your dedication to advancing your skills. Regarding job eligibility in countries like Australia, the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Europe, it’s important to note that requirements can vary. However, our certifications are widely recognized and can certainly enhance your credentials for healthcare support roles. We recommend checking specific job listings and consulting with local healthcare regulatory bodies for precise requirements. Keep up the great work, and we wish you the best in your career endeavors!

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